Why Luanda is the Most Expensive City in the World


Luanda, the capital of Angola, is the world's most expensive city. Surprisingly, a country rocked by 30 years of civil war, now has the world's most expensive city, Luanda.
Located on the coast of Angola with the Atlantic ocean, Luanda is the chief seaport and administrative capital of Angola. The construction industry is booming largely to the point that from every view point, you'll find up to 50 cranes working on tower buildings. Despite the steady construction however, it is difficult finding residential and commercial buildings for rentals.

Luanda being the second largest oil producers in Africa, undoubtedly is blessed, however, its oil wealth has proven to be a resource curse. In other words, the presence of oil is the reason why Luanda is the most expensive city in Angola. Oil companies flush into the city to establish their businesses and the locals give up their houses, at any cost, to these expatiates for rent. It will interest you that a one bedroom apartment goes for £6000 per month.

Wrong side of town: A child stands in front of shanty housing built in a slum on a hill above Luanda - now the most expensive city in the world
Photo Credit: Mail Online

Although some of the investors are gaining hugely in Luanda, however, there are many of the locals living in abject poverty. The importation of food also adds to the cost of living in Luanda. Cost of food in Luanda can double that of New York City, and a majority of the locals cannot afford to buy these expensive foods. A pizza is £16, tomatoes sell for £7.33 per pound and gym membership will set them back a staggering £5,000 a year. Only the guns are cheap. An AK-47 costs just £19.

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