See why the Tokyo Metro Line is the Most Efficient in the World


As the saying goes, time is money and time wasted cannot be recovered therefore, we human beings have to be on the move in order to make money.
But what bothers us the most is the means by which we move about. Big cities such as New York, London, Paris, Hong Kong and Tokyo, are economic hubs where business booms round the clock. But how to we get about these cities in order to meet our insatiable demands and likewise have goods and services delivered on time? This is a big question which has led man to venture into innovations that have shaped the way we live.

Public transportation has been used by commuters to get to work on and time, and the most reliable transport innovation that has stand the test of time is the metro lines. These are underground trains used by commuters to get to work, and these means of transportation is advantageous over any other means due to its ability to resist harsh weather condition.

One unique metro system is the Tokyo metro system. With Tokyo having a population of 13.35 million, the Tokyo metro lines has the task of  keeping people moving all round the year. The subway has 13 lines which is operated by two different companies; the Tokyo Metro Corporation and the Transportation Bureau of Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TOEI). One unique feature about the Tokyo metro line is that it is the fastest, and most efficient and comfortable metro line in the world. CNNGo described the Tokyo metro system as
"Tokyo's rail system is legendary. Super-fast, super-punctual, super-everything.Some 102 train lines, an estimated 14 billion passengers per year. By most measures, Tokyo should take first place on anyone's list of best metros.Successfully navigating Tokyo by train (and working out which station exit to use) is a proud moment for any traveler.For some a positive, others a negative, you risk social-pariah status if you ever talk on your phone while moving. That's consideration for others at its best. Or worst."
It is interesting to know that the Tokyo metro line is connected to two of Japan's biggest cities; Nagoya and Osaka. Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka, are Japans largest metropolis also known as Tokaido megalopolis. It is interesting to image how efficient the metro system would be. 

The key to the Tokyo's metro line efficiency is not far away from the concept of privatization. According to City Lab, 
But for healthy cities like Tokyo, comprehensive privatization has proven to be a successful agent of revitalization for moribund public systems. 
 The metro lines needed to be privatized because during the post war era, privately operated metro lines were more efficient compared to state run lines which were hemorrhaging cash. It was understandable that lines outside the big cities might need subsidies, but there was no excuse for operating losses in the dense Tokaido megalopolis. So in 1987, the government privatized the Japanese National Railways (JNR), which operated every type of transit except trams and inner-city metros. JR East, JR Central, and JR West, the three spin-offs operating around Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka, respectively, emerged healthy and profitable. They were able to pay back their construction debt and make capital improvements to their networks, reversing the stagnation and decline that JNR had seen over the previous decade.

Other nations such as America, can adopt the concept of privatizing its state run metro lines. Who knows – maybe if America's urban renaissance advances far enough, the United States will one day return its rails to their free market roots. 

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